Benefits of walking 30 minutes a day ... Get to know them

Benefits of walking 30 minutes a day ... Get to know them

Walking has many benefits for physical health. It is an easy, simple, and inexpensive sport that can be played anytime and anywhere. It also suits all genders and ages.

Benefits of walking 30 minutes a day ... Get to know them

It takes 30 minutes to walk daily. Great mental, physical and psychological benefits.

Walking reduces the risk of cancer

In another recent study, it was found that walking for 30 minutes a day may help overweight people reduce their cravings for meals rich in sugar and calories.

Health experts note that exercise gives those who practice it stimulation that disturbs their eating ideas.

Also, sticking to regular walking contributes to reducing cravings, and may in turn improve the ability to choose healthier foods.

Improving brain performance

In a study published in the journal Preventive Medicine, it was shown that walking 30 minutes per day improved maximum oxygen capacity.

This had the effect of reducing stress, anxiety, and overall mood disorder.

And it also proved that physical activity in general greatly relieves symptoms of depression, especially walking.

Walking promotes heart health

An analysis of more than 11 medical studies indicated that walking for 30 minutes five days a week was associated with a 19 percent reduced risk of coronary heart disease.

The longer you walk, the lower the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Helps relax

Several studies have reported that spending time outdoors and walking in green spaces has a positive effect on mental health.

As it is an effective way to reduce stress, depression, fatigue and negative energy.

The British Ramblers Foundation, in cooperation with the YouGov Foundation, conducted a survey on a large group of people who practice walking.

As a result, 89.9 percent of them said that walking in green spaces helped them to relax significantly.

Maximize the benefits of walking with increased speed

On the other hand, the results of a group of studies concluded that, to achieve double benefit from this sport, try to walk at a fast pace.

You will notice that you breathe faster, and your heart rate increases.

Thus brisk walking benefits the health of the heart, lungs and blood circulation. In addition to its role in controlling blood pressure, and strengthening muscles and bones.

By : Admin
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