A doctor reveals important information about cerebral palsy

A doctor reveals important information about cerebral palsy

Dr. Thomas Becher confirmed. Cerebral palsy is a movement disorder that occurs due to damage. Attached to the brain in early childhood. Noting that it is the most common cause of movement disabilities in childhood and adolescence.

German pediatrician added. That cerebral palsy can affect a child. He is still in the womb, during childbirth, or four weeks after birth. He explained that it often occurs due to lack of oxygen during birth or brain hemorrhage in premature babies.

In addition to physical disabilities. The child can suffer from developmental disorders. Communication problems, mental disabilities and epilepsy.

For her part, noted German Professor Bettina Westhoff. To the importance of early diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Although it cannot be cured of cerebral palsy. However, the dire consequences of it can be reduced.

She explained a specialist in orthopedic and pediatric neurosurgery. The treatment program includes medications and physiotherapy. And treatment of speech problems, orthoses, treatment chairs and wheelchairs. In some cases, surgery may be required.

In addition. Psychotherapy plays an important role in mitigating the psychological effects of cerebral palsy.



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