7 complications for babies born to mothers with diabetes

7 complications for babies born to mothers with diabetes

Diabetes causes many health problems in pregnant women, and children born to mothers with diabetes have an increased risk of perinatal death and pregnancy complications, compared to children born to mothers without diabetes.

7 complications for babies born to mothers with diabetes

Here are some complications for infants born to mothers with diabetes offered by Bold Sky India:

1. Respiratory distress syndrome

Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) has been reported in newborns to mothers with diabetes, and other lung problems may include persistent pulmonary hypertension.

2. Asphyxia during the perinatal period

It is a condition characterized by deprivation of oxygen to and from the fetus before, during and after birth. Several cases of perinatal asphyxia have been reported in pregnancies of mothers with diabetes.

3. Increase in birth weight

Diabetes may increase the risk of having an increased birth weight. High blood glucose during pregnancy causes the baby to gain weight rapidly, resulting in a condition called macrosomia. Thus, increasing the weight of the baby causes difficulties during childbirth, which leads to the death of the newborn.

4. Birth defects

A study shows that babies of mothers with type 1 diabetes are at increased risk of developing birth defects. Some birth defects include fissures in the mouth and face, heart disease, limb reduction defects, and spinal deformities.

5. Newborn hypoglycemia

A study showed hypoglycemia or low blood sugar in infants of diabetic mothers. This is due to efforts made to control blood sugar levels before birth, the baby's blood sugar may drop drastically causing complications such as brain damage. Also, cord blood glucose levels do not determine low glucose levels in infants.

6. Malignant tumors

Malignancy refers to a cancerous tumor that may spread to other parts of the body from the point of its origin. A study indicates an increased risk of breast cancer among daughters who were born to a diabetic mother.

7. Intellectual disability

It is a serious disability in infants that may lead to lifelong disability. One study indicates that despite proper childbirth and healthcare for mothers with diabetes, the prevalence of intellectual disability has remained stable for 20 years. These children have slow learning capabilities and have lower intelligence


By : Admin
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