Without effort .. The easiest way to clean kitchen wood from fat permanently

Without effort .. The easiest way to clean kitchen wood from fat permanently

Many housewives face difficulty in removing fat from kitchen wood permanently ?, Although wooden kitchens are considered one of the favorite types in the kitchen due to their multiple features, among which are their beautiful shapes and multiple colors, but the method of cleaning and polishing kitchen wood from fat is considered one of the difficult ways. Because it takes a lot of time and effort from the housewife due to the use of regular cleaning methods.

Without effort .. The easiest way to clean kitchen wood from fat permanently

And according to Super Mama, here is the easiest way to clean kitchen wood without effort.

How to clean the kitchen wood from fat

- First, bring a piece of cotton and then put it in a little edible oil of any kind, rub stubborn greasy stains with the cotton swab until you notice the disappearance of the roughness, which represents the surface full of oil and fat stains.

Then bring an amount of hot water with some of the dishwashing liquid, dip a sponge in it, then rub the spot, lightly and gently.

Then rinse the area with a little water only and dry well, and you will notice all the stains on the wall of your kitchen disappear.

A mixture to get rid of wood kitchen fats

Put a spoonful of baking soda with a spoon of lemon salt on the dishwashing liquid and stir well.

Then add a little hot water and use the mixture on the hard-to-remove fat areas.

- Rub the area well with a rough sponge, taking care not to injure the wood and be scratched so that it does not lose its wonderful appearance, and do not forget the drying step after each washing.

How to clean kitchen wood with ammonia

- Before starting the method, make sure to open the kitchen window or balcony first, because ammonia has a pungent and annoying smell, so it is better for the kitchen to be well ventilated.

Heat water until it boils, then put it in a deep bowl and add the amount of a cup of dishwashing liquid.

- Add 3 tablespoons of ammonia and you will notice a fizz, wait until the reaction subsides, then put on gloves and start wiping the kitchen wood with a sponge and the prepared mixture.

Rub the wood in the kitchen gently and the grease will be removed easily.

Wipe the kitchen wood after that with a towel dampened with water only.

By : Admin
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