Treating thinning hair and increasing its density .. Natural recipes for increasing hair length

Treating thinning hair and increasing its density .. Natural recipes for increasing hair length

Many women want long and healthy hair, as long hair is a sign of beauty. In the ideal situation, hair grows at a rate of half an inch per month, and there are many reasons that prevent the increase in hair length, and in this article we review natural recipes for increasing hair length within one month:

Treating thinning hair and increasing its density .. Natural recipes for increasing hair length

Coconut oil to treat thinning hair and increase its length:

Coconut oil helps in increasing hair growth; Because it is rich in potassium, and it works to repair split ends, as well as reduce scalp dandruff and hair loss, and its method is:

How to prepare:

Warm the oil on a fire, then massage it into the scalp gently.

Leave it on the head for a full night, then wash the hair the next morning.

Repeat this recipe twice a week.

Rosemary oil to treat thinning hair and increase its length :

Rosemary oil helps in cell division and improves blood circulation to the head, and its method is:

the ingredients:

A teaspoon of rosemary oil.

Two tablespoons of coconut oil.

How to prepare:

Mix the previous ingredients together, and apply the mixture on the scalp and hair.

Leave the mixture on the head for a full night, then wash the hair the next morning.

Repeat this recipe twice a week to get the desired results.

Argan oil to treat thinning hair and increase its thickness:

Argan oil improves hair quality; Because it moisturizes and nourishes hair follicles, repairs damaged hair, and regulates the secretion of natural oils from the scalp, and its method is:

How to prepare:

Massage the scalp and hair ends with argan oil.

Leave on the hair for an hour, then wash the hair well.

Repeat this recipe once or twice a week.

Lavender oil to treat thinning hair and increase its length :

Lavender oil is known as a beauty oil, it has been used to treat alopecia and hair loss, and it also helps reduce insomnia and stress, and its method is:

the ingredients:

3-4 drops of lavender oil.

Two tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil.

Plastic head cover.

How to prepare:

Mix the ingredients together in a bowl well.

Apply the mixture to the scalp, wrap the hair, and cover with a plastic cap.

Leave on the hair for an hour, then wash the hair well.

This recipe is repeated twice a week.

By : Admin
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