To prevent your nails from breaking ... Use garlic water

To prevent your nails from breaking ... Use garlic water

Many face the problem of breaking nails from time to time. The reason is due to a lack of calcium. Therefore, the best solution is to eat foods or nutritional supplements that contain it.

To prevent your nails from breaking ... Use garlic water

It is useful to rely on natural recipes, including a recipe for garlic water. It can be prepared by providing enough water and two garlic pills. According to what was stated in her magazine.

While cleaning the nails it is useful to first rub them with a garlic pill. After this, the bean can be chopped and placed in a cup containing water. Leave the mixture to rest for 15 to 20 minutes.

After this period has passed, the water is filtered and soaked in the nails for 15 minutes. In order to benefit from this treatment, it is important to repeat the application of the prescription 2-3 times a week.

It is also possible to resort to mixing a little clear nail polish with an amount of crushed garlic and applying the mixture to clean nails. And it is possible to use another mixture containing crushed garlic with olive oil to be applied on the nails for 15 minutes.

By : Admin
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