The most important etiquette rules that women should know

The most important etiquette rules that women should know

The woman draws attention with her elegance and sophistication, and in the following are some tips derived from the etiquette expert, Mrs. Nadine Daher, in this field, according to the “My Lady” website.

The most important etiquette rules that women should know

Avoid wearing makeup in a way that alienates others, hurts their eyes, and draws negative attention to you.

Do not go for bulky personal bags, if you do not have long stature and a full body.

When in the beauty salon, be careful not to raise your voice, while speaking on the phone, or mentioning certain names, in order to avoid transmitting conversations and respecting the privacy of others.

Complimentary, as courtesy gives a good idea of ​​its owner, and if you take into account the feeling and feelings of others, then you can achieve social success.

When introducing yourself to others, make a simple smile that will help you to show your charisma, while at the same time leaving a separation between you and others. Avoid, in this context, laughing out loud in front of strangers.

Wear a long dress, if it is accompanied by a formal dress and tie.

By : Admin
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