Natural recipes for hair care with coconut oil ... ideal for moisturizing and nourishing

Natural recipes for hair care with coconut oil ... ideal for moisturizing and nourishing

Coconut oil contains many nutrients that help strengthen hair, moisturize it and increase its growth, and to achieve this it is advised to try a number of natural recipes that rely on mixing coconut oil with other natural ingredients, by following some steps that we know in this report, according to what Cited by "trialsntresses".

Natural recipes for hair care with coconut oil ... ideal for moisturizing and nourishing

Natural recipes of coconut oil for hair care


Coconut oil and honey for hair care

It is recommended to prepare a tablespoon of raw organic honey, with a tablespoon of organic coconut oil, then add coconut oil and honey in a saucepan, and heat it on a low heat until it becomes smooth, then leave the mixture until it cools, becomes lukewarm and put in a spray bottle, then wet Hair, put the mixture on the hair and leave it for 40 minutes, then rinse the hair with lukewarm water and wash with the usual shampoo and conditioner, and this recipe helps to moisturize and strengthen the hair.

Coconut oil and eggs for hair care

You should prepare two tablespoons of melted organic coconut oil, with an egg lowered, then mix the oil with eggs and put them on wet hair evenly, wait for a period ranging between 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse the hair with lukewarm water, and wash it with shampoo and conditioner, and this recipe helps to treat hair loss. Poetry.

Coconut oil and lemon juice for hair care

You should prepare 4 tablespoons of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, and mix them together in a bowl, then put the mixture evenly on the hair and leave it for 15 minutes, then rinse the hair with cold water and wash with shampoo, and this recipe is used in the treatment of dandruff.

Coconut oil and aloe vera for hair care

This recipe helps to nourish and grow hair, by placing a tablespoon of coconut oil with a tablespoon of aloe vera gel, then mixing them together, and placing them on the scalp until the ends of the hair, leaving them for half an hour, then washing the hair with warm water.

 Coconut oil and eggs for hair care

To strengthen the hair, it is recommended to prepare 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1 egg, then whisk it over the oil and mix them together, then put the mixture on the hair, and leave it on the scalp for 15 minutes, then rinse the hair with cold water and wash it with shampoo.

By : Admin
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