Learn about the benefits of mango for pregnant women

Learn about the benefits of mango for pregnant women

Mango is a sweet fruit that is loved for adults and children, and is known for its great health benefits, especially for pregnant women.

Learn about the benefits of mango for pregnant women

In this context, Batoul Abdel Karim, a nutritionist, talked about the recommended amount for a pregnant woman.

Mango is one of the very important fruits for nourishing a pregnant woman, because it is rich in important nutrients for her and for her gain, it is a great source of energy, and rich in antioxidants, folic acid, vitamins A, C and B6, iron and potassium, which contributes to making the pregnant woman's diet complete. But pregnant women should not eat large amounts of mangoes. As is the case with many food items. Which leads to increased consumption of great harm.

Some scholars attribute mango to high-temperature fruits during pregnancy, “thermogenesis foods”, because it raises body temperature, such as ginger and pepper, and needs high energy to digest it and it is very important to eat it only in its season, and to be ripe naturally to avoid containing harmful chemical elements Fetal health.

Recommended Amount - Benefits of mangoes for pregnant women

Under no circumstances should a pregnant woman exceed one mango pill during the day. And you need the nutrients found in mangoes in the last trimester of pregnancy, "the seventh, eighth and ninth month."

Benefits of mangoes for pregnant women - Benefits of mangoes for pregnant women

It increases the number of red blood cells, which contributes to fighting anemia.

The folic acid present in mangoes helps the fetus grow, its nervous system and its brain.

It contains fiber, which is necessary to get rid of constipation caused by pregnancy.

It contains vitamin "A", which helps in developing the bones and teeth of the child, and also enriches the eyes and nervous system.

Reduces or prevents preeclampsia due to its magnesium richness.

It contains potassium, which helps maintain the body's fluid balance. It is especially important during pregnancy due to fluid accumulation in the lower extremities.

By : Admin
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