In a jiffy ... the best way to clean the toilet brush

In a jiffy ... the best way to clean the toilet brush

Many housewives neglect to take care of bathroom cleaning tools, especially the toilet brush from the inside, as they only clean it from the outside without paying attention to cleaning it thoroughly, for this reason here is a way to easily clean the toilet brush and get rid of germs related to it, according to the magazine Madam".

In a jiffy ... the best way to clean the toilet brush

Important Tips to clean the toilet brush:

First, you must clean the toilet brush holder with your own sanitizer in order to get rid of all the germs in it.

Rinse with water after each use.

Changing the toilet brush is once a month.

How to clean the toilet brush:

First method:

- Bring a deep bowl and put a quantity of warm water inside it, add an amount of clothes bleaching powder, and then leave the brush inside for at least half an hour.

Then wash it with cold water after half an hour has passed, and you can also use the mixture to put it inside the toilet and clean it to get a shiny color.

The second method:

- Take advantage of one of the old bottles and cut it in half.

Then put an amount of water with vinegar and soap added and soak the upper part of the brush with it for at least an hour.

Wash it with cold water.

- If you want to clean its handle, you have to bring a wet towel with a disinfectant, and then wipe the handle well.

By : Admin
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