Has Haifa Wehbe reconciled with her manager .. Here is the truth

Has Haifa Wehbe reconciled with her manager .. Here is the truth

Actress Haifa Wehbe revealed the truth of what has been reported during the past hours about her reconciliation with her manager, Mohamed Waziri.

Has Haifa Wehbe reconciled with her manager .. Here is the truth

And that they were seen on Saturday night, while they were watching with a group of friends in a nightclub in Sheikh Zayed.

Haifa wrote, through her Twitter account:

First, he is still imprisoned for 4 months pending investigations.

Second: For hours and until the moment I am writing, there is a court session that is being held immediately, in which professors, attorneys, Yasser Kantoush and Dr. Rania Al-Manawi are pleading against him.

Thirdly and most importantly: This is one of the seventh impossible news that it happens.

Fourth, I am in Lebanon.

It is worth noting that Sheikh Zayed's second misdemeanor court has set a session on the ninth of November for the trial of Muhammad Waziri, the former business manager of Haifa Wehbe, for accusing him of seizing her property and money.

He will also be notified of the civil lawsuit and his continued imprisonment, according to Haifa Wehbe's lawyer, Yasser Qantoush, who told "ET in Arabic".

By : Admin
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