European Prime Minister anticipates results ... congratulates Trump !!

European Prime Minister anticipates results ... congratulates Trump !!

Despite the lack of clarity of vision ... Slovenian Prime Minister congratulates Trump for the clear victory, the Prime Minister of Slovenia Janez Ganza, on Wednesday, pre-empted the official result of the US elections, and congratulated Trump on what he described in a tweet on Twitter with a clear victory, becoming the first European Union official to do so.

European Prime Minister anticipates results ... congratulates Trump !!

Ganza, who declared his support for Trump before the elections, blessed the Republican Party for its strong results at the level of the United States, he said.

In addition, Americans await the announcement of the name of the new White House master for the next four years, while the screening process continues in 7 states, with Republican President Donald Trump leading 5 of them.

The seven states are Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Nevada and Alaska.

The Edison Center reported that Trump gets 48.8% in Wisconsin, compared to 49.5% for Biden, with 97% of the vote counted in the state. He added that Trump got 49.1% to Biden 49.2, after counting 89% of Michigan's vote.

It is noteworthy that the states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are expected to be critical in determining who will win the elections.

To that, media expectations have drawn so far to Trump's victory in 23 states, including the prominent states, Florida, Texas, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Missouri, all of which he won in 2016. They pointed to Democrat Joe Biden's victory in 20 states, including his state, Delaware, and major states such as California and New York. As well as Washington, DC. That gives Biden 238 votes so far and Trump's 213 votes.

Also, winning the presidency requires obtaining the votes of 270 senior electors.

By : Admin
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