Effortlessly ... the easiest way to clean burnt stainless steel pots

Effortlessly ... the easiest way to clean burnt stainless steel pots

Cleaning stainless steel utensils is a concern for many women. No matter how professional you are in cooking, you will be exposed to burning. Here is the easiest way to clean burnt stainless steel pots, according to the "Super Mama" site.

Effortlessly ... the easiest way to clean burnt stainless steel pots

All you need:

Baking soda (bicarbonate)


How to use:

Sprinkle the bottom with baking soda, then pour a quarter cup of white vinegar over it, you will notice the appearance of fizzing.

Leave it on for two minutes, then rub it with a spoon, you will notice the separation and dissolution of the burning layer.

Drain the dirty water, rinse the residue with the wire, then clean it easily and quickly.

By : Admin
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