Do sexual stimulants kill ? Here's the Answer

Do sexual stimulants kill ? Here's the Answer

Sexual stimulants have become in most cases an indispensable thing for men in their forties and over, to the point that they have become their hidden and indispensable sexual weapon, in order to try to hide their sexual weakness from their partners.

It has become a magic and practical solution for every man suddenly let down by his sexual powers, but even non-helpless people have resorted to it thinking that they might gain strength in strength, so this stimulant drug has become a permanent companion to them even if they do not really need it, so that some also resort to it. Without actually having experienced a single disability at all.

Do sexual stimulants kill ? Here's the Answer

With the increasing demand for this type of drugs, and with hearing many stories about people who died because of them, many questions began to arise regarding this topic, especially since these drugs are given without a prescription and are easily obtained by men, and many men have become anxious about Its negative effects on health, and among the most of these questions ...

 Do sexual stimulants kill?

Of course, sexual stimulants have a strong effect on improving sexual ability in men, or more precisely, treating erectile dysfunction in men, and we repeat treating erectile dysfunction only, by stimulating blood in the body and its flow until it reaches the penis that suffers from the problem and works to solve it quickly Within minutes, the sexual performance will be stronger and better than usual.

However, it is noticeable that a large number of men believe that eating a larger amount gives more capacity and here is the problem, as all studies have confirmed that excessive consumption of sexual stimulants such as Viagra leads after about an hour to two hours of ingestion to a decrease in blood circulation, which in turn leads To fainting, and the limit of exposure to a heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest, which means death directly, and the risk of sudden death due to sexual stimulants increases with heart patients, especially since heart drugs interact negatively with sexual stimulants, which increases the rate of exposure to heart attacks, so it is necessary for these people Resorting to medical advice





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