Color and you and your closet

Color and you and your wardrobe

When you sew yourself, the selection of the fabric is very important and the selection of the colors that suit you best is even more important.

We can't all afford to do our colors, but you can experiment with this.

When you are in a fabric store, take a roll of fabric to a mirror, place it on your face, more at the height of your shoulder. Take note of how it affects your skin tone and pay special attention to your eyes.

If it is your color, your skin should look very good color, you will look healthy and your eyes bright and alive. If it is not your color, the "color" will disappear from your face and your eyes will look tired and dull.

You can do this with what you have in your closet right now.

All colors have shades, and color experts have classed them by fashion as "warm" and "cool" or the latter "silver" and "gold."

To determine if you are silver or gold, place the metals one at a time against your skin and see which is the brighter, the brighter you will be.

If you like a particular color and you don't think it fits your colors, this may not be true, you may still be able to use it.

Most colors have a hue, these nuances are what determine whether the color is "yours" or not.

The colors have a warm tone or a cool tone. If you want to use that color that you love, look for the fabric that has your "hue" and you will see this by "placing" the fabric on you, by that I mean, covering yourself and seeing the result, if your skin acquires a healthy glow, then that's for you, if it makes your skin look sallow and dull, leave it where it is.

You will also have a "powerful" color. The powerful colors are mainly black, navy blue, gray and brown. One of these colors will suit you better than the others, the one with which you will always feel good and will make your skin tone and your eyes bright and healthy. Many people think that black is the all-powerful color, it is not like that, if it does not suit you it will have the opposite effect.

So try navy blue or brown, once again if the color disappears from your face, don't use it.

Once you've established your power color, when you really want to make a statement, go to that job interview, use POWER.

If you can afford to do your colors, I suggest you do so. Knowing that you are wearing what is right for you will give you confidence beyond anything you have ever known before.

I'm not sure if they still are, but Gract Cosmetics has fully trained color consultants and while this is not a snap for Grace Cosmetics, I know they used to do makeovers on party plans. I'm not sure, but you can check your phone book to see if you have a Grace consultant in your area. A party like that can also be a lot of fun, for you and your friends,

Color consultants are also listed in the yellow pages.

Have fun finding your colors, watch your confidence grow.

© CTBaird 2006 SewMoreForU

By : Admin
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