Clashes in Taiwan's parliament to protest permission to import American pork

Clashes in Taiwan's parliament to protest permission to import American pork

Taiwanese parliamentarians punched pork guts and exchanged punches in parliament amid a sharp row over easing restrictions on pork imports from the United States.

Clashes in Taiwan's parliament to protest permission to import American pork

Protesters say that a recent government decision to allow the import of pork containing "ractopamine", a substance banned in Taiwan and the European Union, poses a threat to public health.

The ruling party denies the charges and has called for a rational debate to resolve the issue.

It is reported that quarrels in Taiwan's parliament are not uncommon.

Representatives from the opposition "Kuomintang" party threw pork guts at Prime Minister Su Tsingzhang on Friday to prevent him from receiving interrogations at the parliament session.

By : Admin
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