Black Hat and White hat strategies to earn a lot of money by Adsense

Black Hat and White hat strategies to earn a lot of money by Adsense 

I recently came across an interesting discussion on a marketing forum that I would like to pass on to you now.

In it, Adsense marketers discussed what percentage of their sites are white hat and which are black hat.

Black Hat and White hat strategies to earn a lot of money by Adsense

As an aside for a moment, a "white hat" website is referred to as being "very clean" and following all search engine rules: a hand-built site that offers original content and a quality experience for users. visitors.

In contrast, "black hat" sites use many "dishonest" or "misleading" techniques, such as "borrowing" content in the form of articles, search engine results, RSS feeds, and forum posts, and then using software. automated to spit out hundreds, if not thousands of low-quality pages in minutes.

Search engines generally frown upon these "black hat" techniques, as they fill their listings with hundreds of "junk" sites and make it increasingly difficult for them to do their jobs, providing high-quality results so that users can find exactly what they are looking for. are searching quickly and easily.

One marketer's claim was that white hat sites take a long time to build (he's right) and are often penalized by search engines in the same way, so why bother?

The answer to that question is twofold.

First of all, in my experience, a properly built and marketed white hat site will * not * get penalized in search engines (unless the owner decides to try some gray area marketing tricks).

The second part of the answer is that black hat Adsense marketing is an arms race.

In nature, species evolve to test and improve the weapons of others. A plant develops poisonous sap to try to stop insects from eating its leaves. But then a caterpillar develops a way to "filter" the toxins, so that it can still eat the leaves, and then uses the toxins to become poisonous. By doing so, it becomes less attractive to predators and therefore is likely to live longer.

And so the endless battle continues.

If you engage in black hat strategies, you must resign yourself to being the predator, or worse, the parasite, in this arms race as the seekers represent the supplier.

They continue to develop new techniques at a breakneck rate to remove black hat Adsense sites from their listings (and thus reduce the income of those marketers) as the marketers themselves try to develop increasingly powerful ammunition to try and go unnoticed.

If you're happy with having sites constantly delisted or even banned, and having to constantly rebuild your network, then go ahead, but remember that white hat sites have been and continue to be permanent winners with search engines.

And it is likely to continue for a long time yet.

Copyright 2006 Richard Adams

By : Admin
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