An Egyptian doctor announces good news about Corona vaccines

An Egyptian doctor announces good news about Corona vaccines

Dr. Abdel-Latif Al-Murr, Professor of Public Health at Zagazig University, commented on the decision to produce vaccines by Pfizer and to provide vaccination in Egypt. Pointing out that the vaccination reached by the company "is nothing but a light at the end of a tunnel."

In a telephone interview with the “This Morning” program broadcast on the “EXTRA NEWS” satellite channel, Murr said that the second wave of the Corona virus began in most countries of the world. He explained that Egypt is now at the end of the first wave.

He added that in the coming period, either the first wave will be extended, or what is known as the "second wave" will come. But most likely the second wave will occur due to the onset of winter and an increase in respiratory diseases.

He explained that the danger from the Corona virus lies in the next three months. In addition, the Pfizer vaccine is not available in Egypt, due to global marketing. Also, the "Oxford" vaccination, but only Russian and Chinese vaccinations are available.

He confirmed the presence of 11 vaccines in the final stages, which will be announced during the coming period. He explained that the emergence of the Corona virus prompted major pharmaceutical companies to enter a race to issue the vaccine and vaccinate Pfizer. Pointing out that this race is attended by more than 140 companies, and 3 or 4 vaccinations have reached the final stages


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