An alternative to mascara .. and use these natural mixtures to lengthen eyelashes

An alternative to mascara .. and use these natural mixtures to lengthen eyelashes

Most women's dream to have long eyelashes. And mascara is a temporary solution and sometimes causes eyelashes to fall out. Madam, you can use home remedies for this. Here are some easy home remedies for lengthening eyelashes, as listed by Soutoor:

An alternative to mascara .. and use these natural mixtures to lengthen eyelashes

Vaseline oil to lengthen eyelashes:

Vaseline is used for eyelashes at least three days a week, so you wipe a small amount of Vaseline for eyelashes before bed and then wash it in the morning.

Green tea to lengthen eyelashes:

Apply green tea without sugar to the eyelashes using a cotton ball daily.

Olive oil with or without lemon to grow eyelashes:

Put a small amount of olive oil with or without lemon peel on the eyelashes before bed and wash it off in the morning.

Castor oil for lengthening eyelashes:

A small amount of castor oil is placed on the eyelashes every night before bed and then washed off in the morning.

Aloe vera to lengthen eyelashes:

A small amount of aloe vera gel is placed on the eyelashes before bed, and then washed in the morning. Eyelid massage: A gentle massage of the eyelids is done along the eyelashes line.

By : Admin
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