A "tattoo" from Megan Fox in Spanish for her boyfriend, Michel Jean, I know his story

A "tattoo" from Megan Fox in Spanish for her boyfriend, Michel Jean, I know his story

Celebrities always use "tattoos" sometimes as a means to express their love or any other things they prefer to express with their personality, something that actress Megan Fox did recently when she revealed a tattoo she drew on her shoulder, according to a report published by the Daily Mail website.

A "tattoo" from Megan Fox in Spanish for her boyfriend, Michel Jean, I know his story

Megan appeared in tattoo during her appearance at the American Music Awards last Sunday, and the report indicated that it is written in Spanish and means "el pistolero", a word that means in English "gunman", the nickname of Michain Gun, Megan Fox's friend.

Photographers Megan Fox and her boyfriend, Machin Jean Kelly, were spotted on the red carpet of the American Music Awards, which is being held at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, and is their first official appearance together.


A "tattoo" from Megan Fox in Spanish for her boyfriend, Michel Jean, I know his story

Megan Fox's engagement with the star Machine Gun Kelly came after she split from her husband, Brian Austin Green, after a 10-year marriage and 3 children.

It is noteworthy that the clip "Bloody Valentine" by the famous rapper Machine Gun Kelly, in which the international star Megan Fox participated, was an official announcement of their fine relationship, which was confirmed several days ago with their first official appearance, and it was initially considered by many that the clip "Bloody Valentine" is Just a singing work launched by the 30-year-old star and they did not know that there was a love story that brought the two parties together.

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