7 Mistakes Avoid To Get The Perfect Eyeliner

7 Mistakes Avoid To Get The Perfect Eyeliner

Most women face problems when wearing eyeliner, due to the difficulty of attaching it to the eyes. Today, however, you can put it simply and all you have to do is to avoid these mistakes. According to her magazine:

7 Mistakes Avoid To Get The Perfect Eyeliner

1_ Not preparing the eyelid: This may prevent the color of the eyeliner from being fixed, so prepare your eyelids with a powder close to the color of your skin.

2- Closing the eyes while drawing eyeliners: This is a common mistake, as the ideal and fixed eyeliner is drawn with the eyes open.

3- Drawing the eyeliner in one line: Many people think that the perfect line is drawn from the first time, but this makes the process difficult. Draw the line gradually, one from the end of the eyelashes, and combine it with a line from the first eye.

4- Speed: The drawing that took a long time may destroy, so draw the eyeliner quietly and carefully.

5- Not practicing: You will not draw the perfect line the first time, so you train periodically to be able to draw.

6- Using an old eyeliner pen: It might make things difficult for you. So buy a new pen with a strong color and flexible feather.

7- Wipe the entire eye in case of error: Do not get nervous if you make a mistake. All you have to do is draw a second line and clean the surrounding area with a small cotton stick.

By : Admin
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