4 foods to avoid to get rid of annoying belly fat

4 foods to avoid to get rid of annoying belly fat

It can be inferred to know the presence of belly fat, using a simple tape to measure the waist circumference at home, and as for getting rid of belly fat, it is related to the rates of abdominal obesity, and although women are more interested in it, it is a matter of health, not just beauty, so it must Intended by both women and men.

4 foods to avoid to get rid of annoying belly fat

According to "He" magazine, doctors revealed that the normal rate of fat around the abdomen is "88 cm", so if there is a lot of excess fat around the waist circumference, we will find that the waist circumference scale rates exceed this number, which requires disposal even if the weight is not Generally a plus.

Here are the foods you should avoid to get rid of belly fat quickly:

1- Foods rich in carbohydrates.

2- Dairy foods.

3- Fried foods.

4- Processed foods.

By : Admin
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