3 unhealthy habits that many people commit while eating ... Avoid them

3 unhealthy habits that many people commit while eating ... Avoid them

Australian dietitian Lindy Cohen has assessed whether breakfast is really the most important meal of the day. And whether you need to take it to keep you healthy and fit. In an interview with the British newspaper, Daily Mail.
Lindy said eating breakfast is important for maintaining a healthy and fit body, but not for everyone. Some people can enjoy good health thanks to eating right after waking up due to their feeling of hunger. Others do not feel the desire to eat after waking up and need a longer time to generate the desire to eat.

According to Linde, 13 studies of breakfast have found that eating breakfast is not a reliable way to lose weight. And skipping breakfast is not likely to lead to weight gain.

And Lindy spoke about the three most important mistakes that a person can make while eating breakfast, as follows:

 Eat too late
Waiting until 9 or 10 a.m. is too late and not good for your metabolism. Therefore, it is recommended to eat breakfast half an hour after waking up.

 Not being aware of the number of calories in coffee
Coffee with milk, including latte, contains the same calories as a slice of toast. Therefore, it is imperative to pay close attention to the amount of coffee and milk you are consuming during breakfast.

Not getting enough protein
Many people choose high-carb breakfasts such as toast or regular cereal, which won't make you feel full until lunchtime. This will lead to more junk food being eaten before lunchtime and thus increase the calories gained. It is recommended to eat foods that contain protein, such as boiled eggs and cheeses, to avoid this problem.

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