With catchy advertising slogans

 With catchy advertising slogans

I want to start this off on the right foot, so there is no confusion or hurt feelings. I am a huge fan of creativity. I think it's so ... unique. If you have that creative energy and use it, my hat is off to you, because you make the world a better place to move. Disclaimer finished, let's go.

Did you go to university? Did you specialize in advertising? Hahahaha really!? Did you celebrate a lot? I bet you did. Did you enter school with the intention of majoring in advertising? I bet not. Oh, did you? I bet you partied a lot in high school.

My point here is not that advertising is not a serious career that only a select few people can do well, because I believe it is. But that's the problem, only a select few people can get it right. That said, advertising is one of the most specialized fields in universities and the general field of advertising has come to permeate almost every facet of our daily lives. This tells me that many of these graduates are being hired to do what they studied. Which is fun to me, because advertising seems to be one of the biggest that at least everyone can go through. But, once they have the diploma, they are qualified. Or are?

I found an automated slogan machine online. Generate advertising slogans for any word you enter in the text box. I have to say I think you did a good job. But can it work as well as real experts studied in the advertising field? For comparison, I found some slogans that were ranked as some of the best slogans in the years 2000-2003. Take a look and see if an educated advertiser who makes an excellent living on his sharp wit can tell what slogans. and what was done by automatic generator.

• Lipsmackin 'Thirstquenchin' Acetastin 'Motivatin' Goodbuzzin 'Cooltalkin' Highwalkin 'Fastlivin' Evergivin 'Coolfizzin' Perpendicular.

• Reach out and touch someone

• I wish I was a Fuscia Weiner.

• Do not be lazy.

Ask for Haig

• I saw the strategy and I thought of you.

• We work hard

• It's just for me and my rank.

• You will wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent

• Puts pickles in the United States

To be fair, I want to reiterate that the actual slogans funded and approved by the companies were chosen from a group recognized as the best of their respective years; whereas the self-generated slogans were simply the first to come off the machine. Again, I am not attacking the profession or the professionals, but somehow I feel safe in saying that most advertisers put forth their most ambitious and creatively compelling efforts in their job interviews.

By : Admin
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