Little tips to train your cat and how to fix its sick symptoms

 Little tips to train your cat and how to fix its sick symptoms

This article is for the little behaviors that could be medical and with tips to help you in the right direction for training.

Grinding your teeth could be a sign that a kitten is not appropriate. A mature cat that has just started this would be the time to visit the vet to find out if there are any medical problems with the cat's mouth, teeth, or gums. Changing the cat's diet can also help. Generally, in older cats, dry food becomes difficult to chew and will need to be switched to soft or wet food. When doing this, you will need to be careful when changing the diet. Take small steps; Start by mixing small amounts with a little dry food. Also, of course, leave the food dry for the rest of the meal. Allow the cat to eat the mixed food you gave it first and then the rest of the dry food. You can do this until you have completely switched to the other food. It is important to remember to take the cat to the vet to make sure there are no underlying medical problems with your cat. .


Does your cat rub his butt all over the floor? This may not really be a sign of worms. Observe your cat's diet and physiology. If a cat eats its own hair, this will pass through the cat, but it will be uncomfortable for her. If long hair hangs down at the bottom, this is a way your cat uses to remove the rest of the hair. Taking the cat to the vet is best to deworm and examine it. Keeping your cat groomed is very important, especially in long-haired cats, daily grooming is required. This will help the cat chew on the hair.

Adherent and follower cats can get annoying. The affected cat will cling and exhibit advanced symptoms of lap fungus. When you leave your cat in a closed room, the cat will cry as if you have left it alone for everyone. This is a good time to stop and have a one-on-one activity with the cat for a short time. This would be a good start to cat training. As they learn that, you will have uptime. Use a good food reward for this, when the cat is not screaming and in another room, this is a time to reward a small treat not all the time, but to let your cat know that you approve of this.

Did you get a new kitten and do you have to give it a name? Toby, Molly or whatever perfect name you choose for the cat will become very important. You'll want to train your cat to come up to you and grab your attention when you call it. With most cats and animals, use simple little names. This is something you will want to do. Get started by learning about clickers, this is a great tool for training a cat. You can push and it makes a clicking sound that cats can hear. You can find them in pet stores and on the Internet.

To train the kitten to respond to the name, sit with the cat on your lap with cuddles, say the name of the cat, click, the cat responds to the click, say the name, give it a small treat. Use bite-size liver treats for this. Small liver treats work great. Continue training with the name. Once the cat learns that you say the name, a click, a treat, the next step will be to say the name, without clicking, the cat responds and then the treat. Soon your cat will approach you when you say its name. At this time, cut back on treats until you are not giving a treat for name training.

No matter what the problem is, there are basic training tips.

Patience, time and affection will be the most important of all.

Give your cat a hug today; This starts a great relationship with you and your cat.

By : Admin
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