INFORMATION ABOUT TRIPS TO ITALY you really need to know

INFORMATION ABOUT TRIPS TO ITALY you really need to know

What else is there to know about Italy besides when to go, what to see and how much to spend? A lot. There are crucial facts about travel to Italy. One of those facts is that star ratings outside of Italy hotels may not mean the same thing you thought they did. So what exactly do they mean? Lots of things actually, but most likely not what you have in mind. Star ratings are provided by the government and in no way have anything to do with the atmosphere or charm of the hotel. Therefore, a one star hotel does not strictly mean that it has poor service and facilities compared to two or three star hotels. Also, prices cannot be based on these ratings. In other words, a three-star hotel can be more expensive than a four-star hotel in the same area. The best thing to do is check the room before paying for it. You never know, you can get better services and amenities by paying less for a one-star hotel room than for a more expensive three-star hotel room.

One of the most important facts about travel to Italy

One of the most important facts about travel to Italy is that tourists must register with the local Italian police within three days of arrival. Visitors checking into a hotel generally do not need to go to a local police station to check in. Hotel staff can request guest passports, which are returned the next day, so they can check in on behalf of guests. However, under Italian law, those staying with friends or family must register at any local police station in person within three days of arrival.

Petty crimes such as pickpocketing, theft, and parked car theft are very common

Petty crimes such as pickpocketing, theft, and parked car theft are very common, especially in larger cities. The vital facts about travel to Italy include this warning. Some of these misdemeanors occur in nightclubs and bars primarily due to the fact that the age limit for those who can sell alcoholic beverages is lower than in most states in the United States. Tourists should be careful about the facts about Italy travel, especially when it comes to safety. Some of these crimes are even carried out by well dressed people. The best thing you can do to avoid falling prey to these people is not to be complacent and to be extremely cautious.

There are several interesting facts about travel to Italy that one should know. Without a doubt, learning their language would be helpful, especially if you intend to drive within Italy. As things stand, Italians get too close to feel comfortable. While this might sound romantic in some circumstances, it's definitely not that flattering when you're driving between them.

By : Admin
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