Cultural trips Italy - Fruits for the heart and soul

Cultural trips Italy - Fruits for the heart and soul

Cultural trips to Italy are due to the fact that Italy has been home to a great diversity of traditions. Minority language groups, contrasting religious groups, even university student groups. In the last two decades, Italy has been receiving many waves of immigrants from all over the world, especially from Eastern Europe and North Africa, new settlers, not just tourists. What the tourist will find on a significant cultural trip to Italy is the wealth of world cultures that converged on Italy. And everyone adores the beloved classic Italy of all time.

Italian Ministry of Cultural

Try contacting the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage for a "date with culture", and you will reap the rewards of a cultural trip to Italy. Explore Italy's greatest cultural achievements found in its long artistic heritage, authenticated by world-renowned artists Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Donatello, Botticelli, Fra Angelico, Tintoretto, Caravaggio, Bernini, Titian, and Raphael, among many others, and of the literary Florentine poet, the divine Dante Alighieri with his Divina Commedia, Boccaccio, Castiglione and Pirandello, and the poets Tasso, Ariosto, Leopardi and Petrarch, and also prominent philosophers such as Bruno, Ficino, Machiavelli, Vico, Gentile and Eco. Italy does not it is just a world of arts and religion; It is also a proud home of science, with the scientific revolutions of Galileo Galilei and Leonardo da Vinci, the quintessential 'Renaissance Man', mentioning Fermi, Cassini, Volta, Lagrange, Fibonacci, Marconi and Meucci. Italian names, more of them. From folk to classical music for piano and violin, there are the Renaissance composers Palestrina and Monteverdi, the Baroque composers Corelli and Vivaldi, the classical composers Paganini and Rossini, and the romantic composers Verdi and Puccini, and modern Italian composers such as Berio and Nono. demonstrating significant developments in experimental and electronic music. Even athletes who radiate a modern Olympic challenge excel in soccer, Italy's Calcio with the Italian team currently holding the title and having won the World Cup after competing at a high level in European competitions. It seems that the new meaning of fruitful challenge is going to Italy.

Cultural tours toured Italy through various events, experiences and exhibitions throughout Italy: classical music, jazz or pop music event, opera houses featuring symphonic concert seasons and ballet seasons, organization of sporting events, world trade fairs and fertile traditional festivities of interesting ancient uses, customs and local folklore that are kept alive by Italian pride in traditions amid the bustle of Europe today.

Cultural trips to Italy take you so far. So why do cultures converge in Italy?

By : Admin
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