Advertising Secrets - all you need to know about ads

Advertising Secrets - all you need to know about ads

When I first entered the online advertising business, I was looking for the magic combination that would put my website at the top of search engines, catapult me to the forefront of minds or people looking to buy my product and, in general, it would make me rich. beyond my wildest dreams!

After being successful in business for so long, I can look back at my old self with this kind of thinking and shake my head.


Advertising Secrets - all you need to know about ads

When I first entered the online advertising business, I was looking for the magic combination that would put my website at the top of search engines, catapult me to the forefront of minds or people looking to buy my product and, in general, it would make me rich. beyond my wildest dreams!

After being successful in business for so long, I can look back at my old self with this kind of thinking and shake my head.


If you're reading this article and you've come this far, you're probably looking for the magic answer yourself. You've probably read a few dozen or a few hundred articles just like this about pay-per-click advertising, maximizing return on investment, keyword stuffing, black-hat seo tactics, text-link banner exchanges, and the list goes on. 

Well, I'm here to tell you that I have the one be all end all answer and I'm sharing it with the world! 

The truth is that there is no magic secret to online advertising. No one method will generate the largest amount of income/exposure for every website or business imaginable - it's all a matter of trial and error, time and talent. 

That's a pretty weak answer, I know. It would have been much cooler for me to tell you that buying tiny classified ads in your local paper was the key to success and riches. Well, I'm sorry. For the few of you that have been down this road before and are starting to get it, you'll hear a ring of truth in my words. The sooner you stop looking for a quick fix to make your message stick, the better. 

For what it's worth, these are my thoughts.

1) The Internet has only been alive for a few years, and in that time it has changed dramatically many times. Remember back in 1995 when everyone first discovered the little animated .gif envelope that you would click to send them an email? Where was your online bill payment, IM, and dynamically generated page content then? And just a few years later, you can see how far we've come and use that as a measure of how far we can go.

The point is that the Internet, like other forms of media, is a rapidly evolving monster. What works for advertisers online today could be completely ineffective a few months from now. This is why the best advertisers are constantly researching and creating their own unique marketing strategies. The trick is to find out what works for you and make sure to check back every now and then to adjust as the market changes.

2) You have to spend money to earn money. It's a tired line, but it's like that because everyone says it. Don't be afraid to add fuel to your advertising fire and take it to another level. Try to invest (note that I said invest and not spend) five, ten or fifty thousand dollars in advertising. If you don't jump out the window the first time you do it, you can walk away with a big smile and some pocket money!

The difficult part of investing a large amount of money is getting it in the first place. If you already have $ 50,000 for advertising and are just looking for a place to put it, give me a call. If you're not so lucky, check with the Small Business Administration for ideas on how to get a small business loan.

If you don't want to go beyond your mailbox, check out some of those credit checks your bank keeps sending you in the mail. Many people take advantage of their fairly reasonable interest rates to finance projects.

3) Presentation is key. You'll find that great writing skills and good marketing go hand in hand. As you get better at one, the other is sure to follow. Knowing how to write and write well will give you an extraordinary advantage for most of the people who compete for the attention of your clients. I don't know about you, but I get a lot of spam from people who want to sell me their "good, cheap rolex watch, A + # 1 $$$, discounted Viagra, H0t s1utz, etc."

Needless to say, I've never bought anything from them and most likely neither have you. If so, please write to me and tell me how it worked. I always wonder how many of them are scams.

The emails and circulars I buy come from GoDaddy,, Google, and a host of other professional companies that take a few minutes to earn my trust with good punctuation, grammar, and quality content.

If you don't have a talent for writing (and you know who you are) you have two options:

Upgrade, easier said than done. Like most things, writing is one part talent and nine parts hard work. Take a few classes, make peer editing suggestions, or send me a look (first ten thousand submissions only).

Or, get someone else to do it, giving you more time at the helm. I like this option not only because it saves me time, but also because the job usually turns out better than anything I could have done. This article is an excellent example. I provided a detailed outline, some good anecdotes and the above strategies and the editors of did the rest. I made a deal with them to write the article for $ 149 and we shared the distribution rights. Not bad for half an hour of work.

If you can't afford to hire a professional, be courteous to yourself and your audience by simply rereading your work, running a spell check, and letting your wife / husband / friend / co-worker review it. You would be surprised how many things invisible to you will stand out to a new set of eyes.

OK. That's all I have for now. Stay tuned to for more tips on how to get started with online advertising. However, remember that how far you go is up to you. There is no substitute for your own work and effort to be successful in this business.

Good luck!



By : Admin
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