Advertising in Concessions

 Advertising in Concessions

As with any business, publicity in the food concession business is extremely important in getting the word out that a new business has arrived in town. However, while it is very important to use advertising when in any industry, it is even more important to use it in the concession business. Food concession companies are working at an uphill pace when it comes to advertising. You don't have a fixed building. No matter how permanent your location may seem, you don't have an absolutely permanent location. There are many different obstacles. However, if you use advertising, it can really make a difference in the number of customers you have. There are different types of advertising. There is word of mouth advertising, print advertising, and radio and television commercial advertising.

One of the best types of advertising is word of mouth advertising. The reason this is one of the best is because you don't. For one thing, it comes straight from the mouths of your customers to the ears of your potential customers. Second, it is free. You don't have to pay for this type of advertising and it is one of the most powerful types of advertising out there. By having great food, great customer service, and great value, you can be sure of getting this kind of hype. Be careful to have all of these things because advertising works both ways if a customer is not satisfied. Most of the time, advertising is even worse if it is negative because it spreads faster.

Another type of advertising is print ads. These are becoming increasingly obsolete with the ever-increasing popularity of television, radio, and the Internet. Some types of print advertising are flyers, business cards, and mailings. These can all be variable prices ranging from fairly plain and simple to adorned with color copies. Either way, try to make a lasting and memorable impression. The downside to this is that flyers and mailings can be considered very annoying junk mail. You don't want to alienate your customers by making them angry because you sent them a flyer. This is just something you should consider before choosing your form of advertising.

Finally we have radio and television commercials. These are great ways to advertise, but they can be expensive. The reason they are so good is because they allow you to see and hear the ad. Something is much more likely to get stuck in people's minds when viewed and heard rather than simply read. This has a disadvantage, however, it is not as negative as that of print advertising. The downside to TV or radio commercials is that people get upset that there are so many commercials. What helps you understand this as a business is that they have learned to accept that there are commercials that must run in order for the TV show or radio show to stay on the air. However, another downside that is slightly more damaging is the growing popularity of DVR, a television recorder that allows people to fast-forward through commercials.

All of these types of advertising have their own problems. Therefore, before choosing the type of advertising to use, make sure that you have carefully thought about which drawbacks you are willing to accept and which are not. These options will be largely based on the type of advertising budget you have. While there are drawbacks, advertising is necessary to thrive as a business.


By : Admin
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