For the first time in history ... a girl married her own rug !! Details and pictures

For the first time in history ... a girl married her own rug !! Details and pictures

For the first time in history ... a girl married her own rug !! Details and pictures

"Becky Cox" is an English girl with the strangest love story in history, she broke all the barriers, and overlooked them, and a love story emerged between her and her carpet, which ended in marriage after a love relationship that lasted for more than a year since she bought that carpet that entered history !!

The love story between the 26-year-old "Becky Cox" and her rug and her hanging started, a year before the marriage process that took place among some of her friends who noticed from the beginning that her attachment to the rug in a way that made everyone marvel.

According to what the Spanish newspaper The Sun reported, the girl who works in a bar in Manchester completed the marriage process a few days ago, after advice from her friends about the necessity of marrying, and soon she wore the traditional white wedding dress in full, and in the presence of her friends she completed the ceremony completely.

By : Admin
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