The 10 best home remedies for fast hair growth

The 9 best home remedies for fast hair growth

Every woman wants her hair to be soft, not brittle, long and thick, but these hopes contradict reality, because of the harmful factors that the hair is exposed to, including the high temperature. And the sun. And the application of coloring creams, and fortunately there are home solutions to promote hair growth and accelerate this natural mechanism, and according to the "Arabiya" site, there are 10 magical recipes for hair, get to know:

The 9 best home remedies for fast hair growth

1- Black pepper granules for fast hair growth:

Where the widespread use of black pepper granules in traditional Indian medicine. Known for its stimulating and promoting properties for hair roots, crush these granules to make them powder. And mix it with half a cup of lemon juice. To obtain a smooth paste, apply to the roots of the hair. After that, cover the head with a warm towel for 30 minutes before washing it.

2- Dried hibiscus flowers for fast hair growth:

These flowers are distinguished by their ability to enhance hair thickness and protect it from premature graying. Suffice it to mix a handful of dried hibiscus flowers. With two tablespoons of coconut oil, or sesame oil. To obtain a paste to apply to the scalp. Then leave it for at least 5 minutes.

3- Garlic for fast hair growth:

Garlic is known for its stimulating properties for scalp blood circulation. You can mash two or three cloves of garlic after peeling them, then mix them with 3 tablespoons of coconut oil or olive oil. And put the mixture on the stove to boil, then remove and set aside to become lukewarm. And filter it before massaging the oil on the roots of the hair. Leave this mask on the hair. For about half an hour before washing it well.

4- Amla powder for fast hair growth:

Amla is a tree that grows in Nepal, India and Sri Lanka. As for its fruit, it is known as the Indian raisin. When dried and crushed, it turns into a very useful powder in the field of hair care, which can be obtained from stores specialized in selling natural products.

5- Potato juice for fast hair growth:

Potato juice is high in calcium, iron, potassium, and proteins. This makes it ideal for promoting hair growth. It is enough to squeeze the potatoes to extract their juice. Then apply this juice on the hair and scalp for 15 minutes before rinsing them well with water.

6- Fenugreek granules for fast hair growth:

Fenugreek is an effective natural remedy for hair growth. You can soak the fenugreek pellets in water for about 4 or 5 hours. Then pound it after adding a little water to it to turn it into a paste. To be mixed after that with two teaspoons of coconut milk. And apply this mixture on the hair to leave for 30 minutes. Then wash the hair.

7- Green tea for fast hair growth:

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which protect hair from loss and promote hair growth. It is sufficient to prepare a pitcher of boiling green tea brew. Then let it cool until lukewarm before applying it to the scalp. Leave it on for an hour and rinse it off with cold water.

8- Hot red pepper for fast hair growth:

Hot red pepper powder stimulates blood circulation in the scalp and promotes hair growth. You can add a teaspoon of it to half a cup of olive oil, and put the mixture on the fire. With constant stirring, until it becomes homogeneous, and remove from the stove to allow it to cool down, then use it.

9- Henna powder for fast hair growth:

Henna powder softens the hair and enhances its color, and it also contributes to strengthening it and speeding up its growth. Therefore, it is enough to mix a cup of it with 4 tablespoons of yogurt, with a teaspoon of lemon juice, and leave this mask on the hair until it dries completely before rinsing it well with water.

the banana

10- Bananas for fast hair growth:

Banana fruits are rich in potassium and vitamins A, E and C, which explains their contribution to promoting hair growth.

By : Admin
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