New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announces good news about controlling Corona

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announces good news about controlling Corona

Today, Tuesday, New York State Governor Andrew Como announced that food will be allowed in closed restaurants and cafes by next Friday, with the improvement of the situation of the emerging corona virus, "Covid-19".

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announces good news about controlling Corona

On the other hand, US President Joe Biden asked, on Monday, the American people to wear the muzzle, in order to protect everyone from infection with the emerging corona virus, "Covid-19".

Biden said in a tweet on Twitter: "For the sake of your family, your neighbors, and for the sake of your country, wear the muzzle."

The Coronavirus variant that has shut down most of Britain is spreading rapidly across the United States, outperforming other mutant strains and doubling its spread among confirmed infections every week and a half, according to new research published Sunday.

According to the "Washington Post", the report, which was published on the MedRxiv preprint server and has not been reviewed or published in a journal yet, comes from the cooperation of many scientists and provides the first solid data to support the forecast issued last month by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It showed the UK variant became dominant in the US by late March.

By : Admin
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